Thursday, November 8, 2007

Losing Ground

In the San Antonio Express News “Losing Ground” series talked about developmental issues regarding vested rights. These huge developers come to San Antonio wanting to build here over the Edwards aquifer. The bad part about that is putting the aquifer at risk of possible contamination or some damage may occur if it goes as they plan. There is an organization that help protect the aquifer called AQUA and they also have an ordinance that was made back in 1995. With these vested rights laws many people are opposed of these laws while developers wouldn’t have to lift a finger and not have to go through the process of visiting city council to get an approval to see if developments can be built or not. I have learned how some of these old laws can be re-written by some sneaky developers and use them as their own which creates a big problem for them and the city.
I think it is important for the people of San Antonio and all surrounding areas to get involved in what is being developed here. It is important to know if any of these developments going to affect our neighborhoods. I don’t really like the idea about clearing up a whole bunch of trees and brushes for a development that will affect our aquifer. There are way to many developments that are being built here and I feel like our city is over crowed with a whole bunch of them. Another reason why I disagree with some of these developers are when they decide to make a development in large areas cleared from trees and brushes for tiny developments. I feel as these developers are a bit shady because of course big money is involved but they don’t realize the damage they are causing to the aquifer and to the environment. Most of the time it can interfere with neighborhoods such as contamination being involved depending on what will be developed in that area. Some developers don’t preserve any trees at all and are better off clearing them out completely. We should try to keep ourselves informed about what is being developed in around our area. I feel that we all shouldn’t let an issue like this pass us by without getting ourselves involved more and. There are some damage that has been made already in our city and the continuation of developments seem to continue to expand more and more over time.

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